Sunday, August 5, 2007

hAisT...LeSsOn 4 2dAy...

i LeArNed LiVinG iN tHiS wOrLd iS nOt aLwAyS wHaT u WaNt bUt wHat iS RiGhT fOr u AnD wHaT wiLL mAkE u StRoNg...eVeN tHoUgH tHe sUn WoN't sHinE fOr u...aNd darkNeSs kEeP foLLoWiNg u... DoN't MinD iT.... JuSt HoLd On 2 UrSeLf...'CaUse TomORrOw MigHT Be YoUrS... DoN't GiVe uP.. ThaT's tHe KeY tO EveRyThiNg...LoVe UrSeLf....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

iF i HaD SoMeOnE LiKe U

if i had sum1 lyk u i guess my lyf wud b "better", & i guess my lyf wud b "wonderful"... not lyk now... I'm incomplete & brokn... my lyf is full of hatred,lot's of problems & full of shits... I don't know what 2 do next..I'm fuck'n tired of my lyf... & it's fuck'n driv'n me crazy... I need some1 lyk u I guess.. some1 2 rely on..2 talk 2... some1 hu can ease d pain I'm feeling u ryt now....some1 to be der for me...not expcting anything in return... some1 who'll inspred me 2 be a better person.. some1...some1....
if i just had u... i wud b worries..& have d courage to face anything.. if i'd juz hold onto u...nver let u go... i wud b d happiest among all...if i'd juz nver said gudbye...but i said now i regret not having u.. i hope that day when u went away didn't come 'coz im so fuck'n half dead ryt now.. how i wish u wud hear my heart still beating 4 u.. i wish u could feel d way i'm feeling ryt now...i miss u..miss u so much.. i guess i nver rily moved on lyk i said i do... i guess i nver loved someone else lyk d way i love u so... everytime they ask me if i still love you i said no..coz i want to forget u...but everytime i do that i felt hurt coz i cant accept d fact u're still d one i loved & i cant let go.. everytime u say goodbye to me.. it hurt so much all i can is fine..bye.. i don't know.. if i had u.. i juz want u

iF i hAd sOmeOne Lyk u

iF i HaD sOmEoNe LiKe u I gUeSs I'd Be BeTtEr...& i GuEsS mY LiFe wOuLd Be WoNdErFul... nOt LiKe Now I'm BrOken..& eVerYtHiNg sEeMs nOnSeNse tO mE.. I'm BegiNning To sEe mY LiFe aS a Fuck'n HeLL... fuLL oF haTred, pRobLeMs & fuLL oF sHiTs.... I dOn'T rEaLLy kNoW wHat to DO neXt...'CaUsE evEryTiMe I mOvEd 1 sTeP fOrWaRd I mOvEd 5 StepS bAcKwArD.. I wAnT tO bE fReE fRoM aLL ThE pAiN I'm fEeLiNg RiGhT nOw bUt tHeRe's noOnE tO rEly On...I'm AloNe & I hAtE iT... I haTe It ToO mUcH... iF i HaD sOmEoNe LiKe u I gUeSs I'd Be FiNe..

Monday, July 30, 2007


haist..what a life.. so much troubles.. how i wish somedayi could rest my eyes from crying..

Sunday, July 29, 2007

tHe oLd DaMn ShiT AgaIn..

sometimes its tiring waking up each day.... doing everything like its a routine... 'cause that's my life "a f'ck'n routine" and it drives me nut... full of problems i don't know what to do... I don't what to stay strong no more I don't want to deny the fact that I'm too weak to make another step. I hate it..